Sunday 10 January 2010

What a malarky

Oh my goodness what a blooming malarky yesterday was, laptop been running incredibly slow recently so we burnt all our pics onto cds then reformatted or whatever it is called.. took a whole day what with the reformatting and installing all the neccasary updates.. we had 102 updates that needed to be installed yup you heard me 102!!!

On the plus side my awaited parcel from beads unlimited arrived yesterday i was like a kid at christmas trying to get into it as quick as possible, when i finally got into the box i must say i was a tinsy bit dissapointed now i wasnt dissapointed with the beads and findings their great i was dissapointed with myself as im not to great with sizes when ordering things and what i thought would be big chunky beads actually turned out to be small beads, gorgouse but small, But hey im sure i can do something with them,,, waste not want not.

MORE snow been coming today but thankfully not that much.. my poor car hasnt been out in over a week as im to scared to drive with the snow and ice around, poor thing getting harder to start cus its so cold so im having to go and rinse it daily with hot water to warm it up bit and turn the engine over at least once a day just to make sure he still starts..

Sorry theres no pictures but as i said their all on cds now so writing will have to be ok.. right well im off now to drink a much needed cuppa tea and eat some heavenly dairy milk choc..

bubye xx

Thursday 7 January 2010

New year = New me

This is me well it was me.. last year heavily pregnant with my lurvly sweetcorn plants they grew even taller then me.. im a keen gardener and i loved growin my own veg last year.. so that was me last year and this is me now well when i say now its the most recent one of me i have,, its me and my gorgouse kids gettin ready to go to a halloween birthday party.
But that was all last year and am looking forward to lots of new photoes this year..
I have revamped my shop.. new name new stock all ready for the new year..

Had a bit of snow of late which is fab unless of course u run out of milk and cant drive so my lovley other half did the lil trek to our nearest lil shop which lo and behold had run out of milk as no deliveries had been made.. so the next day he trundled off on a 20min walk to tesco and HOORAY we got milk.. he also bought me a make jewellery magazine bless him..

Right i best be off got alot to do before bedtime.. night all.
